"The 7 Habits Of Highly Effective Teens" by 'Sean Covey'

"The 7 habits Of highly Effective Teens" written by Sean Covey the son of the famous author of "7 habits of highly effective people," Stephen Covey. , a great deatil guideline for teenage peoples casting the imortance of changing some of their habits and develop some habits from the view of their daily life. The author attempts to shed light on some issues that teens face and how they can best overcome them. In author's opinion, it will help teens to improve their self-image, building friendships, resist peer pressure, achieve their goals and get along with their parents. The author focused here in 7 habits that should be developed to make own life very effective and express selves vividly among others.
In the book, authore presented his ideas in an excellant format that specially for teens to realize very freely and they would be able to think about their habits, their charachter and their view of life and environment. It is a great book for all to enrich book collection.
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