Some ADULT Jokes

A handsome young lad went into the hospital for some minor surgery and
the day after the procedure, a friend stopped by to see how the guy was
doing. The friend was amazed at the number of Nurses who entered the
room in short intervals with refreshments, offers to fluff his pillows, make
the bed, give back rubs, etc. "Why all the attention ?" the friend asked. "You
look fine to me."
"I know !" grinned the patient. "But the Nurses kinda formed a little fan
club when they all heard that my circumcision required twenty‐seven
A young couple went to the doctor for their annual physical exams.
Afterwards, the doctor called the young man into his office and told him
that he had some good news and some bad news. "The good news," he
explained, "is that your fiancée has an particular strain of gonorrhea that I
have only heard of once before." The guy paled. "If that's the good news,
then what the hell is the bad news?" "Well," the doctor elaborated, "the bad
news is that I heard about this nasty strain just last week from my dog's
A five‐year‐old boy was mowing his front lawn and drinking a beer. The
preacher who lived across the street saw the beer and came over to harass
the kid. "Aren't you a little young to be drinking, son?" he asked. "That's
nothing," the kid said after taking a swig of beer. "I got laid when I was
three." "What? How did that happen?" "I don't remember. I was drunk."
Jack was returning to work Monday morning with two black eyes. His
workmates were understandably curious: "Jack, what happened to you?!?"
"It was the darndest thing! I was at church yesterday, and this fat lady
stood up in front of me. You know how a dress can get stuck in the crack of
the butt of a fat lady? It looked funny. I figured she wouldn't like that, so I
just reached over and pulled it out with a little tug. Next thing I know, she
spins around and socks me one!"

"Jeez, you got TWO black eyes in one blow?"
"Naw. After she turned back around, I figured she was angry that I pulled the dress out of her crack, so I tried to poke it back in..."
"And will there be anything else, sir?" the bellboy asked after setting out an elaborate dinner for two. "No thank you." the gentleman replied. "That will
be all." As the young man turned to leave, he noticed a beautiful satin
negligee on the bed. "Anything for your wife ?" he asked. "Yeah ! That's a
good idea." the fellow said. "Please bring up a postcard."
A young male virgin, a shy college freshman, was lucky enough to have a
roommate who was considerably more experienced with the opposite sex.
When the bashful boy broke down and explained his predicament, his
roommate offered to set him up with the campus floozy. "Just take her out
to dinner and a show, and then let nature take its course," he explained.
"This girl really knows how to go from there." The roommate arranged the
date as promised, and the freshman took the coed out for a delightful
evening of dining and dancing. On the way home, he parked his car in a
dark lane, broke out in shakes and a cold sweat and blurted out: "God, I
sure would like to have a little pussy." "I would, too," the girl sighed.
"Mine's the size of a bucket!"

Two men are playing tennis, one man falls and hits his elbow and decides to
go to the doctors, the other man says "Don't waste any money on the
doctors, just go inside the store at the corner down the street, put $10 in
the machine in the corner, piss in the cup, let it do its thing and a slip of
paper will come out that tells you what you have". So he goes to the store
puts ten dollars in the machine, pisses in the cup and out comes a piece of
paper it says "You have tennis elbow take this ointment cream and apply it
on your elbow 3‐4 times a daily". So goes home wondering how it know
what was wrong, and wanted to see if this machine is a real miracle worker,
so he goes home and gets his sisters piss, brothers piss, dogs piss, and
jacks‐off in the cup goes back to the store, puts ten dollars in the machine
and places the cup in the machine. The paper comes out and says "Your
sister has gonorrhea, your brother is gay, your dog has worms, and if you
keep jacking‐off like that you'll never lose that tennis elbow.
One day an old farmer fell asleep in the top level in a 2 level hay shed. When
he woke up, he found his son having sex with his girlfriend on the bottom
level of the hayshed. He decided he wouldn't disturb them, so he laid down
and rested. After a while he heard his son say, "Father, father up above.
Give me strength for one last shove." So the father, being smart, replied,
"Son, son down below. Get off and give your father a go."
Two women were having lunch together, and discussing the merits of
cosmetic surgery. The first woman says, "I need to be honest with you, I'm
getting a boob job." The second woman says "Oh that's nothing, I'm
thinking of having my asshole bleached!" To which the first replies, "Whoa I
just can't picture your husband as a blonde!"
When Ralph first noticed that his penis was growing larger and staying
erect longer, he was delighted, as was his wife. But after several weeks his
penis had grown to nearly twenty inches. Ralph became quite concerned,
so he and his wife went to see a prominent urologist. After an initial
examination, the physician explained to the couple that, though rare,
Ralph's condition could be cured through corrective surgery. "How long
will Ralph be on crutches?" the wife asked anxiously. "Crutches? Why
would he need crutches?" responded the surprised doctor. "Well," said the
wife, "you are planning to lengthen Ralph's legs, aren't you?"
A man is out shopping and discovers a new brand of Olympic condoms.
Clearly impressed, he buys a pack. Upon getting home he announces to his
wife the purchase he just made. "Olympic condoms?", she blurts, "What
makes them so special?" "There is three colours", he replies, "Gold, Silver
and Bronze." "What colour are you going to wear tonight?", she asks
cheekily. "Gold of course", says the man proudly. The wife responds really,
"Why don't you wear Silver, it would be nice if you came second for a

A man is sitting on a train across from a busty blonde wearing a tiny mini skirt. Despite his efforts, he is unable to stop staring at the top of her thighs.
To his delight, he realizes she has gone without underwear. The blonderealizes he is staring and inquires, "Are you looking at my pussy?"
"Yes, I'm sorry," replies the man and promises to avert his eyes. "It's quite
alright," replies the woman, "It's very talented, watch this, I'll make it blow
a kiss to you." Sure enough the pussy blows him a kiss. The man, who is
completely absorbed, inquires what else the wonder pussy can do. "I can
also make it wink," says the woman. The man stares in amazement as the
pussy winks at him. "Come and sit next to me," suggests the woman, patting
the seat. The man moves over and is asked, "Would you like to stick a
couple of fingers in?"
Stunned, the man replies, "Good grief! Can it whistle too?!"
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