This research project report is submit ion to the Department of Psychology, University of Dhaka, as a partial fulfillment for the degree of M.S in Educational and Counseling Psychology

Rovaiya Sultana
Examination Roll no.
Registration No.

Mahjabeen Haque
Associate Professor
Department of Psychology
 University of Dhaka
‘Seek knowledge from the cradle to the grave”
                                       -Prophet Muhammad

first and foremost I thank the Almighty Allah for granting me the strength, health, courage and inspiration to prosper in this Endeavour and thus enriching my knowledge.’ Verily, God does not change [a] people’s condition unless they change their own selves.’ HE is indeed the unseen force behind making this study a success.

It is a great pleasure to pay my regards and express profound gratitude to my project supervision Mahjabeen Haque, professor of the department of psychology, University of Dhaka, whose active support and persistence guidance provided me every experience and exquisite perception of all the technical knowledge in preparing this project. Her encouragement and constant supervision helped me to complete this study successfully. It would have been quite impossible to carry out this study without her help, direction and co-operation.

lastly I want to thank all my well-wisher who help me and give support in conduction this study.

Rovaiya Sultana
Department of Educational and consigning psychology
University of Dhaka

The purpose of the present study was to develop a scale to measure English anxiety of secondary school students. To do so, 43 items were initially constructed with the help of subject matter experts and related literature survey. These items  were given to seven faculty members of Dhaka University for judgment. On the basis of judges’ evaluation twenty one items were dropped and two new items were added totaling 24

STRATEGIC ANALYSIS Of GRAMEENPHONE LIMITED: Chapter 4: Industry and Competitive Analysis

Chapter 4: Industry and Competitive Analysis

Bangladesh has ended 2007 with 34.37 million mobile phone subscribers, up from 33.10 million in November last year, according to the latest update from the Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission. Grameenphone had 16.48 million customers, up from 16.01, while Sheba Telecom (Bangalink) ended the year with 7.08 million customers, up from 6.51 million in the previous month. Aktel has been losing customers during the year and ended December with 6.40 million subscribers while Citycell increased its subscriber base to 1.41 million from 1.38 million in November. Teletalk Bangladesh had 850,000 subscribers, up from 720,000 a month earlier, and Warid Telecom ended 2007 with 2.15 million customers, compared with 1.95 million in November.
The mobile phone industry in Bangladesh is growing rapidly, and is making a significant contribution to economic development and employment generation. The number of mobile subscribers increased to 11 million in 2006, from 3.85 million in 2004, registering an impressive growth of 186%. Consequently, the country’s mobile telecom density went up to 6.7% from 2.75% during these few years. Among the five companies that are currently operating, Grameenphone (in partnership with Telenor of Norway), which has the highest market share, more than doubled its customer base to over 6 million during this period. Other companies, which include Aktel, Banglalink, CityCell, and Teletalk, also experienced robust growth in terms of number of subscribers and customer revenue. Telenor, Telekom Malaysia (TM), Orascom, Sing Tel, and UAE based Warid Telecom are amongst the main foreign companies that have invested in the mobile phone sector in Bangladesh.
Despite rapid growth in the subscriber base in the past three years, there is still substantial scope for growth in the mobile industry as some 93% of the population still do not subscribe to a mobile phone service. The spectacular growth in the mobile phone sector is making a significant contribution in both rural and urban areas. There is ample evidence that improved telecommunications access has benefited lower, middle and upper income groups alike. Greater connectivity has enhanced business activity, reduced the cost of doing business, generated new employment opportunities and contributed to poverty reduction. Greater availability of mobile phones, especially in the rural areas where land phone connections are scarce, enables access to information on available health and education services, and markets, and facilitates income generating activities, employment and remittances from abroad. As a result of the Village Phone (VP) program provided by Grameenphone, a large proportion of the rural population now has access to telecom services. The VP program provides telecom facilities to more than 40,000 villages in 61 districts, which covers 58% of the 68,000 villages in the country. Other mobile phone providers, such as Aktel, Banglalink, CityCell, and Teletalk have also considerably enhanced their network coverage around the country. Connection fees and call costs have come down significantly over the last two years due to increased competition in the sector. Network coverage has also improved as a result of greater interconnectivity amongst the different providers and with Bangladesh Telegraph and Telephone Board. In the major urban areas, coverage has substantially improved. However, despite rapid progress, the quality of services continues to be a challenge for the mobile industry with high levels of call disconnection and poor call completion rates owing to capacity constraints and inadequate infrastructure. To further enhance the market potential of the industry, leading mobile companies have been investing to address the issue of service quality.

In order to understand how Grameenphone is doing with respect to the competitors, an analysis is done, for doing this, ‘dominant economic characteristics’ of the industry, followed by the 5 forces analyses have been identified.

4.1 Industry’s Dominant Economic Features

Because industries differ so significantly, analyzing a company’s industry and competitive environment begins with identifying the industry’s dominant economic features. The dominant economic characteristics are the factors that influence the overall operations of the players in it.

The followings depicts a picture of the major economic features for the telecommunication industry in Bangladesh-

Market size
The number of mobile subscribers currently in Bangladesh is about 34 million. It increased to 34 million from 3.85 million in 2004. There is still a room for growth as the population of the country is 140 million. According to a research of BIS Shrapnel, the number of mobile phone connections in Bangladesh by 2010 will reach to 60 million.

Figure 4: Number of Mobile Subscribers as of Jan, 2008

Country’s mobile telecom density also went up to 6.7% from 2.75% during 2004 to 2006.

Market Growth Rate
In 2004 and 2005 the mobile phone industry of Bangladesh grew at the rate of 100% and 137% respectively. In 2006 (till October), it has increased at a phenomenal rate of 186%. Massive foreign investment in the last 9 years has ensured a high growth rate. Telenor, Telekom Malaysia (TM), Orascom, SingTel, and UAE-based Warid Telecom are foreign companies who have invested in the mobile phone sector in Bangladesh.

Despite rapid growth in the subscriber base in the past three years, there is still substantial scope for growth in the mobile industry as some 93% of the population still do not subscribe to a mobile phone service. Indeed, industry analysts expect that the total number of cellular phone subscribers will double to over 20 million by 2007.

Figure 5: % growth of mobile subscribers
Business life cycle
In the global market, mobile industry is in early maturity stage, but Bangladesh telecom industry in rapid growth stage.

 Early dev.      Rapid Gr.        Early Maturity          Maturity        Saturation   Decline    
Figure 6: The business life cycle in Global (developed world) market

Early dev.      Rapid Gr.        Early Maturity          Maturity        Saturation   Decline    
Figure 7: The business life cycle of mobile phone operator industry in Bangladesh market

Scope of competitive rivalry
The scope of competitive rivalry at present is truly national. All the mobile telecom companies are competing at national level. The growth potential at the national level is very attractive, as such; no company is considering to expand beyond national boundaries. Also, all the telecom companies are partially or fully owned by foreign companies. So it is not possible for the Bangladeshi telecom companies to expand to foreign markets which involve high cost (both financial and technological) and strict regulations.

Number of rivals

The mobile telecommunication industry is a consolidated one with only five companies competing. Among the five companies that are currently operating, Grameenphone has the highest market share. Other companies are Aktel, Banglalink, CityCell, and Teletalk. A sixth operator, Warid Telecom, is preparing to enter the market after obtaining an operating license in December 2005.

Target and End Consumers

Common people are the target subscribers for telecom companies.  To suit the specific requirements of different income groups – low end, mid end and high end, different age groups and professional groups, a wide range of pre-paid and post paid packages are offered by the mobile telecom operators.

Examples of group specific packages are DJuice - targeting the youth generation, Banglalink Ladies First – targeting the woman population, etc.

Consumers needs and expectations
The main attributes the subscribers in the mobile telecommunication industry look for are-
  • Satisfactory network quality
  • quick connection
  • no call drops
  • less call time noise and other interferences
  • Low tariff rates
  • Wide Network coverage
  • Excellent customer service

Optimum value added services such as-
        - multimedia message transfer
        - voice sms
- international roaming
Capacity Utilization
The number of Base Tower Station (BTS) and network capacity of existing structure (towers) of all the mobile phone operators are not sufficient enough to cover uninterrupted and top quality .Specially, during the peak hours, subscribers face difficulty in call connecting and high number of call drops occur mainly because of these reasons.

The main reason behind this optimum capacity utilization is, more than expected growth rates of subscribers in the country. As such, the existing capacity is overloaded and there is a continuous process of network capacity expansion. Therefore quality of services continues to be a challenge for the mobile industry with high levels of call disconnection and poor call completion rates owing to capacity constraints and inadequate infrastructure.

Pace of technological change
Advanced technologies are playing a major role in the mobile telecommunication industry. Many cutting edge technologies have become a part of the services the mobile phone companies offer and have changed the way the business was done even a couple of years ago. GPRS, Edge, multimedia message transfer have a part of the bundle of services provided by mobile phone operators.
Telecommunication instruments like transmission equipments, switches, high capacity antennas are also being replaced and updated to keep pace with modern technology.
Product Characteristics
For every mobile operator, mobile package offerings at different tariff rates come in two forms-
Subscribers don't have to worry about their prepaid talk-time running out
Subscribers can use the cash cards to pay your bills at their convenience
Subscribers don't need to go hunting for prepaid card shops when their credit runs out 
Subscribers need to pay a minimum monthly line rent
Subscribers need to have a security money amount deposited
Subscribers don't have to pay monthly line rent
Subscribers don’t need to deposit money for any special service (e.g. NWD/ISD)
Subscribers don't have to wait in long queue to pay mobile bill
Subscribers have to recharge your account before you can use it
Recharge period expires after a set time
All these packages include some value added services such as SMS, MMS, Voice SMS, international roaming facilities, etc.

Degrees of product differentiation
The products of all the mobile operators are becoming look alike and less differentiated. Since the mobile phone operators are offerings more or less similar pre paid and post paid packages, price competition in forms of tariff rate is becoming intense among them.

Industry Profitability
Industry profitability is soaring high. Due to intense price competition, the mobile phone operators are regularly cutting down on their tariff rates. This results in a lower ARPU (Average revenue per user per month) but as the number of subscribers is increasing for the mobile phone operators, overall profitability is also increasing.


Chapter 3: Company Background

3.1 Business of the Company
Starting its operations on March 26, 1997, the Independence Day of Bangladesh, Grameenphone has come a long way. It is a joint venture enterprise between Telenoor (62%), the largest telecommunications service provider in Norway with mobile phone operations in 12 other countries, and Grameenphone Telecom corporation (38%), a non-profit sister concern of the internationally acclaimed micro-credit pioneer Grameen Bank.
Over the years, Grameenphone has always been a pioneer in introducing new products and service in the local market. GP was the first company to introduce GSM technology in Bangladesh when it launches its services in March 1997. The technological know-how and managerial expertise of Telenor has been instrumental in setting up such an international standard mobile phone operation in Bangladesh. Being one of the pioneers in developing the GSM service in Europe, Telenor has helped to transfer this knowledge to the local employees over the years.


Chapter 2: Methodology

2.1 Methodology
The following methodological procedure should follow to accomplish the objective of the research.

2.1.1 Research Design

Data Instruments:
As the raw data is being collected by our group member who work in Grameenphone from the various departmental heads, Besides these, the universal report writing software MICROSOFT WORD 2007 was used to process all necessary research writing, charts, graphs, & tables.
To formulate the research problem we have constitute the following steps:
2.2.2 Sampling:
The sources of data or information we divided into two parts that are: primary and secondary sources.

 Primary data:
 In the primary source, data are collected directly from the Grameenphone itself.
Secondary data:
In the secondary source, data’s are collected through the different textbooks and journals relating to the theoretical framework of the project was accessed to define and to determine planning process. Furthermore, organogram and brochures had been collected from the Grameenphone and also the web page relating Grameenphone are also been used as our source of secondary data.

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Chapter 1: Introduction

1.1 Background of the study
This study has been prepared as a requirement to complete the EMBA program offered by University of Dhaka. The topic of this project paper “Strategic Analysis of Grameenphone Ltd.” assigned by the supervisor     , Professor, Department of Management Studies, University of Dhaka.

1.2 Objectives of the study
The objective is to analyzing the strategic aspects and processes of Grameenphone Ltd. Our purpose was to find out how the authorities of Grameenphone are operating under the strategic challenges in order to run the organization effectively and efficiently so that they can maximize their output.

The main objectives of this report are:
  • To discuss about Telecommunication Business in Bangladesh.
  • To present a background and introduction of Grameenphone and.
  • To provide a general description of the initial and present situation of Grameenphone.
  • To discuss company strategies.
  • To make an analysis with financial performance.
  • To make an analysis with marketing performance.
  • Identifying problems and suggest recommendation

1.3 Scope of the Study
The scope of the study is limited within Telecommunication Business in Bangladesh and especially within the organization of Grameenphone Ltd. Here I discuss mostly with the topics related to strategic analysis.

1.4 Limitations of the Study
Grameenphone is a large company and a lot of departments there and one cannot able to get data from each department.
The whole management process is a very sensitive thing, so, no organization can leak out their management process as Grameenphone also.

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HRM Practices of Grameenphone Limited

Research Problem & Rational for Study

Over the years the human resource division and its operations were considered as staff operations. But with the emergence of service industry the importance of knowledge workers increased. These knowledge workers are considered as assets to organizations. So acquisition, development and maintenance of knowledge workers in organizations became critical and to so forth that human resource division’s importance increased. Even, these days some organization is considering their HR division as line division. This report’s objective is to study the HR practices of the Grameenphone Ltd.

Md. Ali Akkas, Professor, Department of Management Studies, University of Dhaka, my supervisor has assigned me to develop a report on human resource practices at Grameenphone Ltd. as a partial fulfillment of MBA


Executive Summary
Grameenphone, the leader in mobile phone industry in Bangladesh, is a customer-driven organization whose mission is to deliver the latest in advanced telecommunication services to Bangladesh. As the GSM technology based mobile phone operator, currently it is providing its network and services to its 18 million subscribers. Grameenphone growth strategy is to integrate superior customer service, highest standard technology and choice of packages at the getable tariff rates in the market.

Photography Experiment: Butterfly

Two Photographs

Robindranath Tagore



New Web Site For Joypara Model High School

We are designed a new website for Joypara Model High School...
Have a look there...

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Flame of Desire (Photo Blog)

Ah, a picture, for which I feel very happy. This picture is taken at our campfire in 'Boga Lake', a hill top village, about 2700 feet above the sea level. It's in Bandarban Zilla of Bangladesh. It's a tourist spot and trekking spot. Awesome place for visiting and trekking.
Well I'm posting about this picture actually. Hehe...
It is taken with a FujiFilm s5800 semi DSLR camera. At almost mid-night. We all are enjoying our campfire and barbique party. Yes, thats the flame of The Barbique Coal Flame.
No modes were used in this picture. No editing. Nothing.
Lyrics buy books online GSM Bangladesh Literature books grameenphone Asia Chord Credit Guitar Linux STRATEGIC ANALYSIS Of GRAMEENPHONE LIMITED Tips classification love Computer Human Jackson Michael Money Poem Romantic STRATEGIC ANALYSIS Swine Technology Ubuntu Virus Visa adsense card diseases friend google problem reviews 1976 ATM Ambition Analysis Animal virology Connection Daffodils Definition Depression Earn Fun Funny HIV HRM Practices of Grameenphone Limited Influenza Internet Lifestyle Medical disasters Music Nokia Notes Online Pandemics Phone Photography Professional Revolution Security System Tricks Windows Wordsworth company customer data disasters flixya follow friendship genre good government highest standard technology international outbreak pig point pray research transmission 20 2007 2008 2009 AIDS Acronyms Affiliate America Argentina Artcell Bodywear Boot Bras Briefs Butterfly CBI Product Fact Sheet Shapewear in Europe Camisoles Leggings Causes of death Che Command Company Background Currency DARWIN DEVELOPMENT OF ENGLISH ANXIETY SCALE FOR SECONDARY SCHOOL Debit Decision Depression Cure Discovery and invention controversies Disease Domain E-links FM Radio Fidel Castro Flirt Forex Free Genuine Guevara HM Immunodeficiency Indian Industry and Competitive Analysis Insurance Japanese Wife John Ruskin Jokes LRB Laptop League Liberation Link Linkin Literary Livestock MLM Marxist Movements NGO Nothing ORIGIN OS Opperating Panties Bodysuits Park Post Practical market Insights Premier Product Punch Result Retroviruses Royality SPECIES SSC STUDENTS Scum Sexually transmitted diseases and infections Shania Twain Slips Smile Socialism Song Sports leagues T20 Tale Terms Twenty USA Update Waist Shapers Wikipedia Winnings XP airport bestseller broadcast competitions cpc cricket depressed domestic download dual ebook effective email establishments features flu forum gmail god habits happy important index james leagues major mask methodology modernism objectives pictures poetry pop poverty prayer read seaport search engine optimizer seo shapewear shop online short story slack speed sports study teens tip tutorial twilight unijoy